In News You Need to Know:Gwyneth Paltrow is Still Steaming Her Vagina

The Phantom Sway team owes all our viewers an apology because Gwyneth’s solid gold dildo was stuck on our side bar FOREVER. Its finally gone but sorry, things-that-go-in-Gwynnie’s-privates is about to trend again.


She received a lot of grief for endorsing “vaginal steaming” as a viable “health and wellness” treatment. Now the Queen of Steam doubles down on her love of moist nether regions.

In an interview with the Cut, Paltrow says she still swears by the traditional Korean treatment…and the publicity it brings.

The first time I tried v-steaming, I was like, This is insane. My friend Ben brought me and I was like, “You are out of your fucking mind. What is this?” But then by the end of it I was like, “This is so great.” Then I start to do research, and it’s been in Korean medicine for thousands of years and there are real healing properties. If I find benefit to it and it’s getting a lot of page views, it’s a win-win [Smiles].

You have to hand it to Paltrow…at least she’s using her powers for the good of vaginas everywhere, and not evil.