The staff at Phantom Sway is heartbroken after the recent terror attacks at Pulse Nightclub. A city is left shaken and devastated. For every life lost, remember, there are parents, friends, brothers, sisters, neighbors and coworkers now grieving. Each life is a flame snuffed out too soon.
So, to honor the beautiful lives lost, and those left behind, we ask that everyone try to be a force for good. Spread kindness and love in a world in chaos. Give blood, donate supplies, do what you can to be a force for good in this world. Together we can stand against the darkness.
We love you Orlando.

Evil Robot Liz was born in suburban New Jersey but raised as a Floridian swampbilly. Her first horror movie was Them! and her first crush was Boris Karloff,and for years she insisted that Barnabas Collins was her real father. She studied creative writing in graduate school and then worked in finance when she lived in a Major Northeastern City.
When not writing, or playing 8 bit DOS games on nefarious Russian emulator sites, she teaches people how to swim, or saves them when they don’t swim well.
She stands a sturdy 5’ and her people hail from Alsace-Lorraine.
She is not a killer cyborg sent from the future to pose as a suburban housewife, writer and swim teacher/lifeguard in a devious plot to destroy humanity and bring about the rise of the machines.
Or is she?
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