Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Mammoth, Maybe?

Here’s your prompt. Are we about to see a confrontation or is this an expected meeting? Is that truly a mammoth? Who is the backpacker? Hmm.


You all wrote some wonderful stories last week! I can’t wait to read what you come up with this week.


(Photo Credit: kellepics on Pixabay)

3 thoughts on “Fiction Friday 100-Word Challenge: A Mammoth, Maybe?

  1. “The storm’s passing to the north, the lake is calm, the lichen isn’t pollinating, and the portal is stable.”

    Tragically isolated on the pedestal stone, the biped’s breathing was frantic as was his nodding in agreement. “So we’re safe for now?”

    “For the most part. There wasn’t time to plant a larger field for you – the pedestal is all you have until the Negotiator arrives shortly. The bargaining chip is with you?” More nodding as the biped twisted cautiously, pulling the backpack off to retrieve a wood frame.

    “It’s from the last Langstroth hive. You cannot fail.”

  2. He stood transfixed at the site of the creature walking towards him. Amazement overcame fear as a supposedly extinct animal came closer. He thought I need to get a picture or no one will ever believe me. He pulled his cellphone, dropped it and knelt to retrieve it. The creature stepped on him, breaking his neck and leaving him dead as it continued on its journey, oblivious to the small creature’s fate.

  3. “You must speak truthfully when the time comes,” her mentor’s words rang in her mind. The fire grass rustled in time with her breathing, thunder boomed with her heartbeat, the elephant’s angry eyes burned into her soul. It came ever closer, sending up ash in its wake. She held out a shaking hand, palm out, willing it to be still.
    “I will not fail my people.” She mustered the courage to look it in the eyes as it closed in.
    She quaked with fear, holding firm.
    Her shaking hand touched its snout and it spoke.
    “Do you have a peanut?”

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