Monday Mop Up: Explosive West Coast Funk from ORGŌNE, Irish Country, Cannibal Rockers, and some Wunderkinds

Every weekend there are innumerable live gigs played for music fans of every persuasion. One of the redeeming aspects of social media is that musicians and fans can share a taste of these performances with anyone with a smartphone anywhere in the world.

We’re going to try and put a sampling of primo shareables we find over the weekends into one place. If we miss anything feel free to share your own in the comments. If you’re tweeting or instagramming from the club, tip us off over the weekends by tagging @PhantomSway and maybe your favorite band will end up here.

This first one isn’t what I imagined I would typically post but it’s good to remember that you have to start early to develop musical talent. These kids from the UK are working hard and you have to salute that.

Speaking of kids…this one is only four years old.

This Irish band is looking for the really long country roads that lead from Manchester in the UK all the way to West Virginia. 

In Seattle, the Summer Cannibals were just letting it rip on stage.

This last group is one I’m really glad I stumbled across. This short Instagram clip is all I needed to see to be fairly certain this was a killer show. 

One more from Orgone’s feed because they kick ass.

Who did we miss? Let us know in the comments!