Halloween is just a few weeks away, and Farmer’s Almanac is predicting some pretty nasty weather just around the corner, so what else is there to do but curl up on the couch with a good movie and...
The staff at Phantom Sway is heartbroken after the recent terror attacks at Pulse Nightclub. A city is left shaken and devastated. For every life lost, remember, there are parents, friends, brothers,...
A wolf stalks a lone toddler in diapers. A corpse teeming with spiders cradles her very animate infant. Zombies invade a suburban home and are shotgunned. A little girl descends the basement steps...
Filmmaker, film producer and martial arts expert, Paul Logan, can now add writer to his impressive list of credits. His new film, The Horde opens this weekend. “I can tell you ten ways to sink a...
“I can tell you something about this place. The boys around here call it "The Black Lagoon"; a paradise. Only they say nobody has ever come back to prove it.” Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the...
Evil Robot Liz makes her Phantom Sway debut with a rundown of her top five horror films of all time. Post your top five in the comments. - Ed. 5. The Shining Admittedly, this one will probably not...