This week, guys are elbow-deep in editing a couple HUGE shows they plan to roll out in the next couple of weeks. This week, we shall have to content ourselves in an oldie but greatie episode about...
IMDB did side by side video showing how the trailer for the upcoming Blade Runner sequel is almost identical to the trailer for the original film. That's either really creatively lazy or it's a...
It’s Friday! There’s nothing particularly groovy about Judy Garland, unless perhaps you were to watch “The Wizard of Oz” on LSD. Not that I’ve done that. I’m just guessing. This week I...
This week the guys delve deeply into the work of an actor about whom most of us probably know little, the Italian spaghetti western star Tomas Milian. Accompanied by a close friend of Milian's,...
Check out this **Award-Winning** Sci-Fi short film called "The Fisherman" as JAWS meets ALIEN in the waters off Hong Kong! Mr. Wong is a third generation fisherman in Hong Kong, struggling to keep...
It’s Friday! Twice before we’ve dipped into the Malaysian film “A-Go-Go ‘67” for a Groovy Friday clip, first with this: And later with this: Both times, I wrote precious little about what I...
There’s a beauty to the new way we watch television. On-demand streaming lets you catch up on shows you missed the first time around and watch new original content that probably never would have...
The gang this week delves into a movie that I couldn't watch all the way through: Mel Gibson's landmark The Passion of the Christ. I did not expect any movie to demand I gaze unflinchingly at the...
Last week we had “Land of 1000 Dances”. This week, it’s land of one dance. “The Clyde.” Of course you’ve heard of it. In 1964, on dance floors, table tops and car hoods across the...
The long, slow death march of your childhood continues as Hollywood doubles down on turning all your most beloved movies and shows into shitty remakes no one asked for and no one sees. Point Break...