This week, Sarah sits down with podcaster Paul Sating for one of the more interesting interviews I've every heard. Sating writes the audio drama shows "Subject: Found" and "Diary of a Madman" and he...
This week, the gang returns fresh and feisty and ready to look deep into the abyss of the 2017 movie roster. Which movies excite them? Which bring out a chorus of "meh"? Which make them regret...
This week, Sarah celebrates her 50th episode of the Write Now Podcast with a discussion of a very important question. No, it's not the question about how to get a six-figure advance or why you can't...
Sarah's show this week is full of knowledge, surprises, and pressure. It happens that among the many things Sarah does well, she ghostwrites books like a champ. Not long ago, she took on a rush...
The gang is still on its winter break, but a couple of them sat down to talk videogames in the second-ever GameBoys episode! Their topic this time around is the Bioshock franchise. I admit that I...
The guys are still on their Christmas and end-of year-break and recharging period, but they left me a wonderful show from a couple of years back. When you listen to it, you might feel the warm rush...
This week, Kira sits down with producer and director David Johnson to figure out why, exactly, it seemed like a good idea for two young men to lug a decomposing corpse around a beachside town....
This week, Sarah has a very exciting interview with Jocelyn K. Glei, founding editor of one of my favorite web sites 99U. Sarah and Jocelyn talk about her recent move to full-time writing, and...
This week, the gang assembles to bid farewell to the year 2016. They don't restrain themselves to movies, either, so buckle up. Spiciness is sure to follow. The next couple weeks will feature some...
This week, Sarah has cued up another deep and interesting interview, this with author and teacher Patrick Hicks. There are some good nuggets in the show, including how to deal with your own fear...