This week Sarah talks with a bestselling author who is also an experienced executive and a "striving yogi". How do all those things work together for good in one person? You'll have to check out...
It's not every day you can listen to an interesting interview with an author who is just beginning his writing career, but that's what Sarah has served up for us this week. David Faux has many good...
You might think the answer to the question Sarah posed in this week's show is a resounding "Yes! Of course writers should be paid!" except that far too many publishers and readers don't quite agree....
I don't have a writing mentor and, honestly, I've never thought to search for one. Perhaps, after listening to the Write Now podcast this week, I should seek one out! Sarah not only makes the case...
I don't think it's possible for an author to be entirely unafraid of rejection. Even the coolest customers get that nervous butterfly in the pit of their stomach right before they submit their next...
We're going with a great past episode of the Write Now podcast this week because Sarah has been tied up with work in the form of 3 public speaking gigs in the past 3 weeks. Something had to...
I admit, I've come to enjoy Sarah's "Coffee Break" interview shows as much as her stand-alone shows. She is a smooth and delightful interviewer and she always gets the best from whomever she has on...
Sarah brought a most delightful guest to the microphone this week in JoAnna Ver Meer, a poet and writer of stuff that might surprise you. I truly enjoyed this interview. Sarah and JoAnna are friends...
If there's one thing the internet is full of, it's people willing to give you random advice whether they know you or not. Well, Sarah isn't like that. She's a useful and helpful person on the...
Back in October, Sarah had a fascinating talk with blogger and author Matt Paulson that I honestly didn't want to end. Fortunately, Sarah just had Matt back on the show for another round! Last time...