This week, we're going to dip into Sarah's excellent podcast archive for a show of particular relevance. Every writer contends, at one point or another, with writers' block. Whether you call it that...
Perhaps the worst thing that can happen to a writer is to be beaten down so hard and so often by their inner critic that they simply can't write another word for fear of another beating. The very...
Sarah is off this week because she is busy at work on her novel! I don't know what it's about, but knowing her, there will be magic and adventure and possibly dinosaurs that can cast fireballs. Oh!...
This week, Sarah welcomes author Kaitlyn Mirison, for a Coffee Break episode that should be very useful for those of us who wage daily war against our inner critic. Kaitlyn, like many of us, dreamed...
This week, Sarah has hit on a subject of great interest to me: how clutter gets in the way of writing. I can't wait to hear how she's dealing with issues of mental and physical clutter in her...
If you can read that post title without hearing a certain song, you're a better person than I because that's all I can hear right now. The good news is you won't have to take a moment to rid...
This week, Sarah serves us up another coffee break. Her guest is reShoUNn Foster, a poet (among many other things) who is out to revitalize Detroit. She's taken on a big task, but once you hear what...
Sarah's in with a new Coffee Break edition of her podcast and it is, in my incredibly humble opinion, one of the best interviews I've heard in a while. She speaks with Deane Barker, who talks about...
So, there you are, ready to become the author you always dreamed of becoming. You have resigned yourself to years of solitary work, of not being able to share your precious words with a world not...
This week, Sarah takes on a topic near and dear to my own heart as well as the hearts of many artists. "Impostor Syndrome" has shortened countless artistic careers, but it need not shorten yours....